DULCODOS Emergency Potable Water Disinfection
Fast and precise disinfection of potable water.
Water supply companies ensure high quality of potable water in accordance with the applicable Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV 2001). In spite of this, emergency situations can nevertheless arise that require rapid disinfection.
ProMinent supplies a compact metering station, which is immediately ready for use and performs emergency disinfection, for instance after flooding or pipe ruptures, in compliance with the regulations.
All disinfectants permitted in accordance with the Drinking Water Ordinance 2001 and the List of Permitted Substances (ยง 11) can be used. Emergency potable water disinfection can also be used when commissioning new pipes, after repairs or after long downtimes.
Your Benefits:
- Connection-ready handy metering system (0.02 - 1.55 l/h, 10 bar)
- Integrated metering and pressure monitoring
- Low-pulsation metering by guided discharge strokes
- Volume-proportional metering if customer has a water meter fitted
- Adequate for treatment of up to 372 m3/h when adding between 0.5mg/l and 155 m3/h of chlorine with the addition of 1.2 mg/l (when using sodium hypochlorite 12%)
Click here to download the DULCODOS emergency potable water disinfection