ProMinent Polymer Makeup System Ultromat ULDa
A good solution when preparing polymer solutions as flocculation aids.
Ultromat ULDa double-decker systems are used to process liquid and powdered polymers. The system consists of two separate PP storage tanks, stacked above each other, preventing product carry-over. The polymer solution is batched in the upper storage tank and can be transferred to the lower storage tank once the maturing time has elapsed.
Your Benefits
- Processing of liquid polymer (0.05 – 1.0 %) and powdered polymers (0.05 – 0.5 %)
- No mixing of fresh and matured polymer
- Wide range of versions for specific applications
- 4” (10cm) dead band enables utilization of the entire tank
- Operator-controlled input of solvent concentration and calibration of powder feeder and liquid concentrate pump
- Water apparatus with flow meter and fitting set for the dilution water
- Gentle mixing of the polymer solution (electric stirrer)