Tomal Metering System PolyRex
PolyRex can do more: Processes liquid and powdered polymers.
Capacity range of up to 8200 l/h
The upper storage tank represents the batching/maturing tank. The lower tank is the storage tank for the prepared polymer solution. The powdered polymer is transported to the powder feeder by a vacuum conveyor using 2 screws and is mixed into 3 layers with water in the underlying mixer unit; wetting cone, water injector and stirrer in the batching tank. The solution is then transferred to the upper storage tank using the water pressure from the diluting water. The polymer solution matures completely in this and short circuit effect is avoided. After maturing, the solution can be transferred to the lower storage tank via the motorised valve.
Features & Benefits
- Compact controller ABB AC500 AC500 PM573-ETH and touch panel CP635
- Dust-free filling of the powder storage tank thanks to the use of a vacuum conveyor
- Double screw metering unit with 2 counter-rotating conveyor screws enables low-pulsation metering with a high level of dosing precision
- Pressure reducer for a constant water supply
- Effect 3-phase mixing of the polymer solution
- No short-circuiting effect: polymer particles cannot pass through the process without activation